Finish Durability Tests
We are repeatedly asked if our finish top-coat is durable to water
stains/marks. We've not had a complaint yet, but feel it necessary to
answer this question with a test rather than 'our opinion'. Presently, the
finish 'beads' like a fine automobile wax. Yet, it does beg the question
of what happens over years of abuse.
We plan to conduct 3 finish durability tests
Water Condensation Test (listed below)
Chemical Test (details to follow)
To Be Announced
Water Condensation Test
We are currently conducting a test with 7 sample chips from our SAMPLE PACK.
We have modified the 7 chips to meet the requirements listed below. We
will try and be as detailed as possible in describing this
unscientific-scientific experiment. Why is it an unscientific-scientific
experiment? Simply because we are trying to be scientific, but completely
morons in reality.
The sample finishes are being applied to Kauri wood. We expect the experiment to be no different if it was mahogany wood. The wood hardness/softness rating seems unimportant to the durability of the finish. In the future, we may do this with mahogany, but again, feel this is related to a chemical test and not a wood species test.
Currently, all bars receive (2) coats of PU finish on the wood table
tops (like Sample 3). The body receives (1) coat of PU finish (like Sample
Samples that are mailed to the customer in our SAMPLE PACKS are (1) coat
finished (like Sample 2).
Sample 4, Sample 5, Sample 6 are potential option upgrade ideas.
Sample 7 is a commonly used finish in our industry area. We have inserted
it into the test to compare it to PU. This might be commonly used by our
Sample 8 is an American cabinet company drawer front (head). The wood
species is cherry. We cannot confirm the type of finish. Keep in
mind this drawer head may deteriorate quick, since it was never meant to be a
table top. In addition, cabinet finishes are normally a simple lacquer.
Sample 1 completely unfinished
Sample 2 (1) coat of PU finish + (2)
undercoat PU sealers
Sample 3 (2) coats of PU finish + (2)
undercoat PU sealers
Sample 4 (5) coats of PU finish + (2)
undercoat PU sealers
Sample 5 (2) coats of PU finish + (4)
undercoat PU sealers
Sample 6 (2) coats of PU finish + (6)
undercoat PU sealers
Sample 7 (1) coat of Melamine finish +
(2) undercoat Melamine sealers
Sample 8 American cabinet company
drawer front (head).
The start of the test
Here are the conditions of our test:
The finish is an industry Poly 2-part finish. We have it custom-made
(mixed) in the plant for our use.
This will be a 60-day test.
The test start date is February 13, 2006.
The weather is 75-90 degrees F and the humidity is 50-60%.
We are leaving the samples in our office with intermittent air-conditioning.
Each day the cups will be emptied and filled to the top with ice, then water.
The next day, the same step will be repeated. The test will be
The cups
will be changed from 8am-11am each day.
Water condensation will not be removed from the sample each day.
Therefore, if water is presently sitting on the sample, it will stay sitting
until evaporated.
At the end of the week, the samples will be cleaned with a 150:1 Simply Green
solution and evaluated. Pictures will be posted weekly with comments.
The SAMPLE CHIP color is Danbury Brown.
The cup used is a simple plastic drinking cup that holds 100 ml of liquid.
After adding ice to the top, the cup will hold about 50 ml of liquid. We
have chosen this cup because it condensates very well. Pictures will be
posted showing and commenting on how quick the ice evaporates.
We believe the conditions of the test are more extreme than the actual use of a
residential bar. We don't expect that people leave water standing on table
top finishes for hours on end. Yet, it is not uncommon to leave drinks on
wood table tops and remove them the next day. A beer can that sweats will
not give off the same amount of water condensation as our plastic cups. A
glass cup will also give off less water condensation. Yet, the size of the
cup also determines the amount of condensation. Therefore, a larger cup or
mug might give-off an equal amount of water.
We will conduct wine and beer tests on the samples at a later date. We tried to conduct the beer tests first, but it seems it always evaporates the day before the tests. In honesty, it seems the current test is better suited since evaporation from the beer cans, glassware, or other, is water.
If anybody has an opinion for additional tests, we are open to try anything.